A friend came yesterday afternoon & told that his computer was attacked by virus. As a result, he had lost his precious files. Feeling so depressed, Solehah's Dad told him this story.
The factory of Thomas Edison (the great inventor) was once caught fire. As he helplessly watched it burn (his costly equipments & experiments going up in smoke), he called his wife & his son, Charles.
As they stood gazing at the blazing inferno, Edison smiled and said, "You'll never see anything like this again! There goes all our mistakes! Now we can start over afresh!"
Immediately, he started rebuilding his factory and it was not long after that, he invented the phonograph.
Solehah memang gemar dengan komputer, especially menonton video (utube) 'Idola Kecil'. Sering kali juga Solehah membuat setup komputer lari & fail hilang.
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