How are you doing? I hope all is well with you. I know this might be a surprise to you but I'm writing this email to you in an hurry and in a confused state of mind. I want to say I'm really sorry that I didn't inform you about my traveling to Scotland for a Seminar. It was something urgent and i didn't even inform anyone about this traveling. But I just got myself in serious mess here. I got my wallet misplaced on my way to the hotel and all my money, phone, bank cards, diary, my return ticket and other vital documents are all in the wallet. I'm so confused right now as I have lost all contacts.
I need to get out of this mess. Please I need $1,500 USD to sort myself out and to pay for the hotel bills but I will appreciate any amount you could afford. I will pay you back as soon as I get back home. Let me know if you will be able to help me with any amount and you can help me send the money with my details below at any western union money transfer office and i will get the money over here within an hour
Name: Salleh Majid
Address: 14 Porteous pend, Edinburgh, EH1 2HP ScotlandHow are you doing? I hope all is well with you. I know this might be a surprise to you but I'm writing this email to you in an hurry and in a confused state of mind. I want to say I'm really sorry that I didn't inform you about my traveling to Scotland for a Seminar. It was something urgent and i didn't even inform anyone about this traveling. But I just got myself in serious mess here. I got my wallet misplaced on my way to the hotel and all my money, phone, bank cards, diary, my return ticket and other vital documents are all in the wallet. I'm so confused right now as I have lost all contacts.
I need to get out of this mess. Please I need $1,500 USD to sort myself out and to pay for the hotel bills but I will appreciate any amount you could afford. I will pay you back as soon as I get back home. Let me know if you will be able to help me with any amount and you can help me send the money with my details below at any western union money transfer office and i will get the money over here within an hour
Name: Salleh Majid
Country: United Kingdom
Kindly help me to make the transfer as soon as you receive this email and you should get back to me with the 10 Digit Money Transfer Control Number, exact Amount sent with details used in sending it. I still have my passport to prove my identity at Western union here when receiving the money, and I will email you with the return flight details immediately I receive the money.
Kindly help me to make the transfer as soon as you receive this email and you should get back to me with the 10 Digit Money Transfer Control Number, exact Amount sent with details used in sending it. I still have my passport to prove my identity at Western union here when receiving the money, and I will email you with the return flight details immediately I receive the money.
Your reply will be appreciated. Thanks so much
1. Ayah Solehah pernah sekali berhubung (melalui e-mel) dengan Dato' - untuk bertanya tentang satu istilah yang digunakan di dalam penulisan beliau di akhbar.
2. Bapa saudara Solehah (Pak Su Nan) yang kebetulan berada di rumah menziarahi Solehah tidak yakin dengan e-mel tersebut.
ignore it...
ReplyDeleteItu semua tipu.. bukan Dato Salleh Majid penipu, tapi ada sindiket lain yg guna nama Dato Salleh Majid. Sila abaikan email tersebut.
ReplyDeleteDapatkan kepastian Dato Salleh Majid melalui kolumnya..
Salam PakCik JB & Tanpa Nama 19:31
ReplyDeleteTq kerana memberi pandangan. Saya telah e-mel kepada Dato' Salleh & juga mendapat kepastian melalui blognya. Hingga kini belum dapat jawapan. Rasanya nasihat anda betul & tepat.