Friday 23 October 2009

Santai: On "The Four-letter Word"

~ Solehah & Mr. Zulkiflee Osman ~
A friend of Ayah Solehah once asked him about Solehah's surgery. He explained that so far Solehah had gone five surgeries & one more which is scheduled on the 15th. January next year.
This coming surgery is to lengthen the tendon of her right foot. The surgeon who will do the surgery is Mr. Zulkiflee Osman (Orthopedic Paediatric Surgeon from HKL - orang Kulim). This coming surgery will be his fourth time attending Solehah.
When asked about his feelings toward the surgery, Ayah Solehah told his friend (secara bergurau) that he is OK as long as the surgeon does not use the four-letter word while performing the surgery.
"What's that?" asked that friend.
"OOPS!" replied Ayah Solehah.
"Ce****, hang! Aku ingat ... ", his friend retorted.
1. Berdasarkan pengalaman, para doktor tidak akan mengambil risiko sekiranya peluang pembedahan itu berjaya 50 - 50 apa lagi jika pembedahan tersebut lebih bersifat penambahbaikan.
2. Pernah pembedahan terhadap Solehah dibatalkan kerana masalah bius.
3. Pembedahan keenam ini adalah kerana pijakan kaki kanan Solehah tidak rapat (flat on the ground).
4. Mr. Zul telah banyak membantu Solehah & merupakan contoh keikhlasan seorang doktor hospital kerajaan.
5. Hanya Allah yang dapat membalas segala pertolongan yang diberikan Mr. Zul yang telah dianggap rakan karib oleh keluarga Solehah. Doa kami sekeluarga ialah semoga Allah sentiasa merahmati Mr. Zul & keluarganya.

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