Solehah attended three different tuition in a week: (1) Friday, Saturday & Sunday for BM, BI & Mathematics by her own school teacher; (2) Thursday for BI by Smart Reader; and (3) Saturday (or any other day if it clashes with the first tuition class) for arts by Zahid's Art Studio which is in the same neighbourhood.
The art tuition started only a month ago. We decided to send Solehah to the class as we heard her art teacher complained that Solehah couldn't colour properly. She even compared Solehah's ability to her daughter (who is normal) who can colour better.
1. Penulis kurang faham dengan pedagogi pengajaran-pembelajaran masa kini. Adakah ini yang dikatakan konsep pengajaran bestari? Cikgu sebagai 'fasilitator' hanya kesan kelemahan pelajar, bagi tahu waris & that's it.
2. Penulis sudah banyak kali mengalami situasi yang serupa mengenai Solehah.
3. Barangkali mereka yang tugasnya melatih guru-guru boleh respon tentang isu ini.
4. Kepada semua yang berkaitan "SELAMAT HARI PEKERJA".
5. SELAMAT BERSARA kepada Hjh Wan Noodrim Wan Abdullah, guru besar sekolah Solehah. Jasa & pertolongan untuk membantu Solehah amat kami hargai.
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