Wednesday 13 May 2009

Santai: On 'An Act of Kindness'

~ Flehming & Churchill ~
There was a poor Scottish farmer and his name was Flehming. One day, he heard a cry for help from a nearby bog. He ran to the bog. There was a boy - mired to his waist in black mud, terrified, screaming & struggling - trying to free himself. Flehming saved him.
The next day, an elegantly dressed nobleman visited the family. He introduced himself as the father of the boy Flehming had saved. "You saved my son's life," said the nobleman. "I want to repay you."
"Sorry, I can't accept payment for what I did." Flehming replied waving off the offer. The nobleman then said, "I'll make you a deal. Let me take your son and give him a good education. If the boy is anything like his father, he'll grow to a man you can be proud of."
Years passed, Flehming's son graduated from St. Mary's Hospital Medical School in London. He went on to become known throughout the world as Sir Alexander Flehming, the discoverer of penicillin.
Years afterward, the nobleman's son was stricken with pneumonia & what saved him was the penicillin. The name of the nobleman was Lord Randolph Churchill & his son was Sir Winston Churchill.
Don't underestimate the vicious effect of kindness because who knows it can produce another great discovery.

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