Sunday, 31 May 2009

Tahfifah: Banyak Kerja

~ Letih @ Manja~
Dalam satu perbualan, salah seorang abang Solehah pernah berkata (bunyinya kira-kira begini), "My God, I have tonnes of books to read for my exams!"
Selain berdoa & bertawakal kepada Allah, penulis juga mengamalkan petua berikut (sorry ... can't remember where I read it) ketika menghadapi beban kerja yang banyak.
Do ONE thing at a time.
Try to concentrate on one task at a time
I'll always REMEMBER that ...
My task is NOT only to finish everything I need to do.
Its to ENJOY while doing it as well.
1. Petua tersebut penulis guna semasa belajar dulu.
2. Abang Mad will complete his practical by mid June. Solehah tak sabar-sabar menunggu tarikh tersebut.

Jamung: On 'Stress'

~ Zoo Taiping~
A frog happened to slip into a large pothole along the country road. All his atempts to jump out of the pothole failed. Soon various country animals came and tried to help the poor frog out of the hole. Anyway, all their attempts failed and they finally gave up.
"It looks like you're going to be there for a while," they said. "We'll go back and get you some food."
However, not long after they took off to get food, the frog hopped past them. They couldn't believe it! "We taught you couldn't get out!" they hollered out.
"Oh, I couldn't," replied the frog, "but you see, there was a big tractor coming right at me, and I had no choice."
Solehah got only 88% for her Science.

Wednesday, 27 May 2009

Personal: The Result

~ The Cousins ~
Yesterday (26/05/09) Solehah brought home a few of her Mid-Term Exam Papers. Here are the results:
1. Bahasa Melayu (Pemahaman) = 95%
2. Bahasa Melayu (Penulisan) = 99%
3. Bahasa Melayu (Ejaan) = 100%
4. English Language = 83% (Paper 1 = 39 & Paper 2 = 44)
5. Pendidikan Islam = 100%
6. Bahasa Arab = 76%
1. Just like her brothers, Solehah agak lemah dalam Bahasa Arab. Walau apa pun kami tetap bersyukur.
2. Solehah is still quite careless - she did careless mistakes.
3. Thanks to Solehah's teachers.

Tuesday, 19 May 2009

Anekdot: Tidak Puas Hati

~ Preparing for the Mid-Year Exam ~
Encik X dan Y ialah rakan baik & bekerja di sebuah syarikat yang sama. Kerapkali kedua-duanya akan masuk kerja lewat. Namun, sebagai ganti bagi setiap kali datang lewat, Encik X secara sukarela akan balik lebih lewat. Cara yang sama tidak diamalkan oleh Encik Y. Malah menjadi kebiasaan pula baginya untuk pulang awal (sekitar 3 – 5 minit) setiap hari.
Menjadi amalan bagi syarikat tersebut untuk memberi bonus setiap hujung tahun berdasarkan sesuatu kriteria yang ditetapkan. Pada satu tahun faktor kedatangan dijadikan asas. Semua pekerja diberi bonus kecuali Encik Y. Tidak berpuas hati Encik Y berkata, ”Apa punya sistem. X yang kebiasaannya lewat (datang lewat & balik lewat) pun dapat bonus. Aku yang lebih baik kerana ada juga awal (balik awal) tidak dapat bonus.

Friday, 15 May 2009

Personal: Teachers Day

~ Self-designed Card ~
Ucapan "Selamat Hari Guru" kepada semua guru, khususnya (1) mereka yang pernah, sedang atau akan mengajar Solehah & ahli keluarganya - abang (adi & zakwan), mama & ayah; (2) guru-guru kelas tuition Solehah; dan (3) kaum keluarga & jiran yang masih menjadi guru ataupun sudah menjadi pesara guru.
Sempena Hari Guru, penulis ingin membuat catatan berikut yang ada kaitan dengan ketidakupayaan Solehah semasa bersekolah.
  1. Walaupun hanya sekitar 400 meter dari rumah, Solehah terpaksa dihantar oleh mamanya dengan kereta hingga ke dalam kawasan sekolah. Kebenaran terpaksa diperolehi untuk tujuan tersebut kerana waris tidak dibenarkan membawa kenderaan sehingga ke dalam kawasan sekolah. Setiap hari, mama Solehah memasuki kawasan sekolah sekurang-kurangnya tiga kali iaitu waktu pagi, waktu rehat untuk memberi makan & ke tandas dan waktu pulang.
  2. Solehah juga tidak dibawa ke kantin pada waktu rehat. Dia diberi makan di bawah pondok membaca yang dijadikan kawasan larangan untuk makan.
  3. Solehah juga tidak boleh bertinggung menyebabkan dia tidak ke tandas kerana tiada kemudahan tandas duduk. Dia hanya 'melepas' di dalam kereta - ubahsuai timba untuk dijadikan tandas bergerak. Bahan buangan dibuang di rumah.
  4. Kami juga memohon kebenaran agar Solehah dibenarkan membawa handphone agar tidak menyusahkan guru-guru jika timbul sebarang masalah.

Di atas segala kebenaran yang diberi, kami sekeluarga ucapkan berbanyak-banyak terima kasih kepada pihak sekolah. Namun, di sebalik kerjasama yang diberi timbul juga rasa kurang senang. Akan dicatatkan di pos yang seterusnya. Apa pun "SELAMAT HARI GURU".

Wednesday, 13 May 2009

Santai: On 'An Act of Kindness'

~ Flehming & Churchill ~
There was a poor Scottish farmer and his name was Flehming. One day, he heard a cry for help from a nearby bog. He ran to the bog. There was a boy - mired to his waist in black mud, terrified, screaming & struggling - trying to free himself. Flehming saved him.
The next day, an elegantly dressed nobleman visited the family. He introduced himself as the father of the boy Flehming had saved. "You saved my son's life," said the nobleman. "I want to repay you."
"Sorry, I can't accept payment for what I did." Flehming replied waving off the offer. The nobleman then said, "I'll make you a deal. Let me take your son and give him a good education. If the boy is anything like his father, he'll grow to a man you can be proud of."
Years passed, Flehming's son graduated from St. Mary's Hospital Medical School in London. He went on to become known throughout the world as Sir Alexander Flehming, the discoverer of penicillin.
Years afterward, the nobleman's son was stricken with pneumonia & what saved him was the penicillin. The name of the nobleman was Lord Randolph Churchill & his son was Sir Winston Churchill.
Don't underestimate the vicious effect of kindness because who knows it can produce another great discovery.

Tuesday, 12 May 2009

Personal: Susu Sebelanga Tidak Rosak

~ The Gift ~
Bermula dari hari pertama Solehah menjalani rawatan (usia satu hari) di hospital kerajaan hingga ke hari ini (sudah berusia lapan tahun), kami diketemukan dengan ratusan jururawat. Hampir kesemua (99.99%) bersikap profesional, cukup mesra, sangat membantu & amat bersimpati bukan sahaja dengan Solehah tetapi dengan kami. Seingat penulis hanya dua orang sahaja yang sepanjang kami mengenali mereka berterusan menguris hati kami.
Sempena Hari Jururawat kami ucapkan "SELAMAT MENYAMBUT HARI JURURAWAT". Terima kasih & hanya Allah yang dapat membalas semua kebaikan mereka.
Berikut adalah beberapa catatan tentang kemesraan mereka yang amat menyentuh hati nurani kami. Ada jururawat:
1. membahasakan dirinya sebagai Ummi dengan Solehah.
2. memberi Solehah RM5.00.
3. memanggil Solehah sebagai 'sayang'.
4. meminta maaf setiap kali Solehah mengatakan sakit.
5. memberi 'dental mirror' untuk kami memeriksa gigi Solehah - beliau mengejar hingga keluar klinik untuk memberikannya.
6. memberi belon & permainan 'yoyo'.
7. menyapa kami di luar apabila bertemu - selalunya mereka yang menyapa dahulu kerana 'without the uniform they look very different'.
8. and many many more ...
Insiden yang menguris hati tidak begitu kami hiraukan kerana mereka yang baik cukup banyak. Bagi kami (dalam isu ini) "nila setitik tidak akan merosakkan susu sebelanga".

Thursday, 7 May 2009

Personal: On 'Wordless'

~ Mum & Mum ~
I couldn't find any appropriate words
to write about these two wonderful ladies
for all the efforts made to the family

Wednesday, 6 May 2009

Tahfifah: On 'Risk'

~ Solehah & Brothers ~
As Solehah is slow (due to the physical disabilities) she couldn't finish most of her school work during the actual lesson. She will borrow her friends' books home to finish them. Solehah's mum & dad will take turn to help her.
If the two gentlemen above are at home, they will also help. But both have different approach of helping. One will even help Solehah to write ('coz pitying her) while the other will force (military style) Solehah to finish the work herself. It is the case of "giving a fish vs teaching to fish"
As for Solehah ('coz of too sleepy) she once told the parents that she hope the teacher will be on leave the following day. We told her never ever take any risk in life. Such an advise is something different than what we really believe as:
To make a ringgit, we must risk loosing it.
To influence people into business venture, we risk losing friendship.
In loving and caring, we risk breaking our hearts.
Getting job is a risk.
Crossing the road is a risk.
Eating in the restaurant is a risk.
Starting a family is a risk.
Life is a risk.
Winners take more risk than losers do.
That is why they win so much more.
But they also lose much more than losers do.
They are playing so often that their wins add up.
Which do you prefer - to merely exist or to be truly living?
~Unknown Author ~

Saturday, 2 May 2009

Personal: Tuition

~ Solehah's Painting : First at Zahid's Art Studio ~
Solehah attended three different tuition in a week: (1) Friday, Saturday & Sunday for BM, BI & Mathematics by her own school teacher; (2) Thursday for BI by Smart Reader; and (3) Saturday (or any other day if it clashes with the first tuition class) for arts by Zahid's Art Studio which is in the same neighbourhood.
The art tuition started only a month ago. We decided to send Solehah to the class as we heard her art teacher complained that Solehah couldn't colour properly. She even compared Solehah's ability to her daughter (who is normal) who can colour better.
1. Penulis kurang faham dengan pedagogi pengajaran-pembelajaran masa kini. Adakah ini yang dikatakan konsep pengajaran bestari? Cikgu sebagai 'fasilitator' hanya kesan kelemahan pelajar, bagi tahu waris & that's it.
2. Penulis sudah banyak kali mengalami situasi yang serupa mengenai Solehah.
3. Barangkali mereka yang tugasnya melatih guru-guru boleh respon tentang isu ini.
4. Kepada semua yang berkaitan "SELAMAT HARI PEKERJA".
5. SELAMAT BERSARA kepada Hjh Wan Noodrim Wan Abdullah, guru besar sekolah Solehah. Jasa & pertolongan untuk membantu Solehah amat kami hargai.