One of Solehah's family neighbour (as called by Solehah) is Tok Tam. She's a pensioner (a teacher) & well known as a very helpful & caring person in the neighbourhood. Almost everyday she will visit Solehah's house - usually in the evening & sometimes more than once. Beside that she will also give a call. So, if she does not turn up @ call, we always wonder why.
She will always tell stories & even play with Solehah - either play 'congkak' (she's good) or 'main teka teki'. Here is her latest version:
Tok Tam ada seorang cucu penakan - nakal & petah. Semasa di tadika, dia pernah ditanya bapanya kerja apa & dia beritahu yang bapanya kerja askar. Apabila ditanya pula emaknya kerja apa. Selamba & ikhlas dia akan berkata yang emaknya 'kerja buat anak'.
Tentu cucu penakan Tok Tam pernah dengar kata-kata tersebut daripada mulut orang dewasa.
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