After Solehah's mama appointment at Klinik O&G (HSB) yesterday, Solehah wanted to to buy a story book - her first present for being top ten in her final exam. She chose "Bacakan Saya Satu Cerita" which was quite expensive. Her parents took the opportunity to buy her another two exercise books (English & Mathematics Year 3) to keep her busy during this school holidays. It is also to make as good as her two brothers.
Hope Solehah could answer Mathematics questions (such as below - modified from Solehah exercise book) fast & correct.
111,111,111 x 111,111,111
1. Don't think Solehah manage to get the right answer. But once being told, she will say, "senang ... adik tersilap." Taktik biasa Solehah.
2. Solehah juga dibelikan sepasang lagi kasut baru - kasut raya - her second present for being top ten. Wonder how many more ...
3. Alhamdulillah, mama Solehah kini disahkan 100% sihat.
4. Bought myself another book "Asam Garam Gula & Kopi" by Abd. Jalil Ali - sebagai memenuhi janji 'satu bulan sebuah buku'.
beli dan baca... jgn beli tapi tak baca.
ReplyDeleteSalam Tanpa Nama 17:00
ReplyDeleteTerima kasih kerana mengingatkan.
beli dan baca - BEST
tak beli dan baca - GOOD
beli dan tak baca - FAIR
tak beli dan tak baca - %!V%mL$%%!!!