Sunday, 29 November 2009

Santai: On 'Computer Error'

~ Solehah dengan Pakcik & Makcik JB ~
Selaras dengan perkembangan semasa, Solehah kini dah mempunyai Facebook sendiri. Pakcik JB (anak keempat Cikgu Mat Pedu) yang balik untuk berhari raya Aidiladha tolong buatkan. Makcik JB pula tolong ajarkan bagaimana nak selenggara/update Facebook.
Since Solehah is under-age, Pakcik JB telah beri date of birth yang tak betul - tipulah tu. Anyway, Solehah is happy. Thanks Pakcik JB & Makcik.
On 'modern age' technology:
A man who was having problem with his computer called his friend for help. After clicking a couple of icons (buttons), the problem was solved. Wanted to know what the problem was, the man asked his friend, "So, what was wrong?"
"It was an 'ID ten T' error," replied his friend.
Didn't want to appear stupid, the man inquired, "What's that ... in case I need to fix it again?"
"Haven't you ever heard of such error before?" asked his friend.
"No," he replied.
"Write it down and you'll figure it out," he said.
So the man wrote it down ...
1. Dengan pertolongan Makcik, Pakcik JB telah belikan Solehah hadiah yang dia kehendaki. Although it might be nothing to a few, but to the family it is really a GREAT GIFT.
2. Hidup Pakcik (3x).

Saturday, 28 November 2009

Jamung: Make Your Choice

~ Solehah & Her Family At Home : Aidiladha 1430 Hijrah ~
You are riding along on your motorbike on a wild, stormy night. You pass by a bus stop and you see three people waiting for a bus. Those three are:
1. a little handicapped girl (mirip adik anda) who looks as if she is going to die;
2. an old friend who once saved your life; and
3. a perfect man/woman whom you have been dreaming about.
Which one would you help? Who would you offer a ride as there could be only one passenger on your motorbike?
You could pick up the little girl first because she is going to die; or you could take the old friend because this would be the perfect chance to pay him/her back. However, by making that choice you may never be able to find your perfect dream lover again.
Sometimes, we gain more if we are able to give up our stubborn thought limitations. The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook.

Friday, 27 November 2009

Personal: Aidiladha

Lazimnya, pada Hari Raya Qurban, Solehah akan mengajak abangnya ke masjid untuk melihat sembelihan qurban. Kalau dengan her second brother, tak banyak soal - akan didukungnya Solehah ke masjid. Her eldest brother pun sebenarnya lebih kurang sama. Cuma dia akan memberitahu tak perlulah pergi kerana dia amat 'sedih' ke masjid kerana hari raya aidiladha ialah "ulang tahun kelahirannya, di situlah tempat dia dibuang selepas dilahirkan & kemudiannya ditemui oleh ayah & mama".
1. Persiapan sambutan kali ini paling sederhana.
2. Hanya Pakcik & Makcik JB balik beraya di kampung.

Wednesday, 25 November 2009

Jamung: On 'School Holidays'

~ Picnic, Yan : Will there be another moment? ~
After Solehah's mama appointment at Klinik O&G (HSB) yesterday, Solehah wanted to to buy a story book - her first present for being top ten in her final exam. She chose "Bacakan Saya Satu Cerita" which was quite expensive. Her parents took the opportunity to buy her another two exercise books (English & Mathematics Year 3) to keep her busy during this school holidays. It is also to make as good as her two brothers.
Hope Solehah could answer Mathematics questions (such as below - modified from Solehah exercise book) fast & correct.
111,111,111 x 111,111,111
1. Don't think Solehah manage to get the right answer. But once being told, she will say, "senang ... adik tersilap." Taktik biasa Solehah.
2. Solehah juga dibelikan sepasang lagi kasut baru - kasut raya - her second present for being top ten. Wonder how many more ...
3. Alhamdulillah, mama Solehah kini disahkan 100% sihat.
4. Bought myself another book "Asam Garam Gula & Kopi" by Abd. Jalil Ali - sebagai memenuhi janji 'satu bulan sebuah buku'.

Tahfifah: Terkilan

~ Solehah & Uncle Alan (Physiotherapy HSB) ~
Membesarkan anak-anak (amanah Allah) adalah sesuatu yang tidak membebankan. Apa lagi dalam membesar & mendapatkan pelbagai rawatan untuk Solehah. Walaupun sedikit memenatkan tetapi tidak pernah (malah tidak mungkin) dirasakan sebagai sesuatu yang menyiksakan. Mama & ayah Solehah sentiasa bersama mengharungi susah payah. Dalam banyak situasi, kedua-dua abangnya turut membantu.
Berkat kesabaran & kesungguhan, kami bahagia apabila melihat keadaan Solehah sentiasa menunjukkan 'improvement'. Syukur, alhamdulillah.
Namun, agak terkilan (berdasarkan pemerhatian) kerana didapati hanya kaum ibu yang kerap mengiringi anak-anak berbanding kaum bapa.
Walaupun tiada hak mempersoalkan, tetapi lebih wajar jika bapa sentiasa menemani isteri & anak. Janganlah sekadar menghantar, kemudiannya entah ke mana & hanya datang menjemput apabila dihubungi setelah selesai rawatan.
1. Dalam satu kes, kami menemui sebaliknya iaitu hanya bapa sahaja yang mengiringi anak. Sedih kerana si ibu (seorang doktor) langsung tak pernah nampak batang hidung walaupun bertugas di hospital yang sama di mana anaknya mendapatkan rawatan. Agaknya malu. Tak sepatut begitu kerana 'we' are the selected people (by Allah) to have such a child.
2. Kami juga perasan yang kebanyakannya tidak begitu 'friendly' apabila cuba didekati untuk berkongsi rasa & pengalaman.
3. To my family, "we are VERY PROUD to have Solehah".

Sunday, 22 November 2009

Personal: On 'Limitation'

~ SuaRasa: 30/10/09 ~
Being what she is, has limited Solehah's participation in her school's activities. Whenever there is an activity, Solehah won't go to school - no one will take care of her as the teachers & friends will be busy. Pity her ...
For example, during her school sports day (although never mentioned) we knew that she wanted to take part in the show during the break.
She even came home one day telling that her classmate was selected as the school's prefect. On another occasion, she told that another friend had been appointed as pengawas pusat sumber sekolah.
To treat her fairly (Abang Mat: tennis & Abang Kuan: Taekwando), her mama had promised (when the time is right) to send her to a music class - learning either piano @ keyboard. As Solehah likes singing, she couldn't hardly wait for that moment.
1. Suara Solehah bukannya sedap. Namun dia bolehlah juga menyanyi, ingat lirik & nama lagu. Agak menghairankan kerana dia hanya mendengar radio ketika di dalam kereta - di rumah tiada radio @ seumpamanya.
2. Tak dapat dipastikan apakah Solehah berjiwa seni - muzik & nyanyian - kerana pada dasarnya tiada ahli keluarga yang betul-betul berbakat dalam bidang tersebut walaupun kedua-dua abangnya ada memiliki gitar.
3. Antara lagu yang Solehah minati ialah "Memori Tercipta": Shila OIAM & "Ayat-ayat Cinta": Rossa.

Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Personal: Terima Kasih

~ Maya & Friends ~
Tidak terduga untuk sampai ke tahap ini semasa mula menulis blog. Alhamdulillah, blog ini telah mencatatkan catatan ke-100 baru-baru ini.
Pos kali ini adalah untuk menyatakan penghargaan & terima kasih kepada: (1) 'bilah buluh' kerana merupakan individu pertama yang secara tidak langsung telah mencetuskan budaya blog; (2) Solehah serta kaum keluarga Solehah (mama, abang-abang & kerabat terdekat) yang sentiasa dijadikan inspirasi & bahan penulisan; dan (3) mereka yang secara rela hati menjadi 'pengikut nyata' blog ini - sebahagiannya dipaksa (rujuk pos: Personal: Sifu -15/02/09).
Namun, berikut adalah beberapa perkara yang menarik (dirasakan wajar untuk dicatat) sepanjang mengendalikan blog ini:
  1. Dimaklumkan oleh abang-abang Solehah yang ada segelintir rakan mereka mengikuti blog ini - jika benar, terima kasih kepada mereka.
  2. Seorang kenalan lama (orang Jeniang) pernah menelefon pada satu malam mengatakan yang beliau sedang membaca blog ini.
  3. Solehah memperolehi kenalan (keluarga) maya secara tidak langsung - Kak Maya (Princess Maya) & Kak Qaisara - terima kasih kerana berkongsi rasa. Pernah juga ditanya oleh seorang 'pengikut senyap' siapa itu Akak Maya.
  4. Terbaru, satu e-mel dari Sdr. Ridzuan (bapa kepada Marsya Nur Aulia - another gifted child) yang ingin berkenalan untuk berkongsi pengalaman. Terharu & sebak jadinya apabila beliau mencatatkan: saya bterima kasih kerana blog sdr byk memberi semangat dan dorongan serta motivasi pada saya utk terus berusaha dan berserah pada Allah atas anugerah x ternilai yg diberi. Keluarga sdr akan mjadi role model kami utk terus berusaha ... insyaAllah ... (dipetik dari e-mel asal beliau dengan dibuat sedikit pengubahusaian).

1. InsyaAllah keluarga Solehah akan cuba mengatur pertemuan dengan keluarga Marsya Nur Aulia dalam waktu terdekat - kesejahteraan & kebahagiaan keluarga tersebut kami doakan.
2. Sukar untuk menerangkan kepada Solehah tentang 'hubungan maya' apabila dia bertanya ke mana perginya Akak Maya & Akak Qaisara.
3. Terima kasih kepada semua yang pernah singgah di blog ini - semoga anda semua dirahmati.

Saturday, 14 November 2009

Jamung: Peperiksaan Akhir Tahun 2009

~ Padang Besar, 31/07/09: After meeting Mr. Zul at HTF ~
The following is the result of Solehah's End Year Exam:
Bahasa Melayu (Pemahaman) = 99 - Grade A
Bahasa Melayu (Penulisan) = 86 - Grade A
Bahasa Inggeris = 71 - Grade B
Matematik = 91 - Grade A
Science = 98 - Grade A
Pendidikan Islam = 100 - Grade A
Bahasa Arab = 80 - Grade A
Muzik = 74 - Grade B
Ejaan = 100
Spelling = 100
TOTAL : 545
1. Solehah berjanji to be 'the top ten' in her class & she got it.
2. The promise to be 'the top ten' is fair enough since Solehah is in the best class of one of top school in town.
3. Janji tersebut dibuat setelah Solehah mendapat nombor 14 & 22 pada peperiksaan-peperiksaan sebelumnya.
4. Solehah demanded for a holiday (vacation) - Penang, Cameron Highlands, Genting Highlands, Bangkok, bla bla bla ...
5. The achievement is based on the combination of 'usaha, sabar & doa'.

Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Anekdot: On "H1N1 & SARS"

~ IKEA P. Jaya: the day (28/08/09) after his 2nd. brother left for his 2nd. Year ~
Previous post was on Solehah's alahan. With H1N1 is still around recently, we are always extra careful when we are outside.
A friend told me:
One day he stopped at a stall for a drink. Then came two men & one of them ordered "H1N1 Satu". He smiled when he realized that it was "Horlick Satu, Nescafe Satu".
Another friend who heard, then added:
H1N1 could also be "Hotdog Satu, Nugget Satu".
On SARS I remembered this:
In one of his exam, a young medical student was stumped with this crucial question: What advice can you give to the public on how to prevent SARS?
Secara selamba (after thinking hard) he came up with this answer:
Don't drink SARS-i. Don't eat SAR-dine. Don't even touch SA-tay & finally don't wear SAR-ung.

Tuesday, 10 November 2009

Tahfifah: On "Fatherhood"

~ Solehah & Her Brothers ~
Bringing up Solehah & her two brothers are the most joyful moments in life. Now, as Solehah is the only child at home, life sometimes becomes quite lonely. Time past so fast - both Solehah's brothers are already away. They are very close to Solehah, treat her well & will try to fulfill what ever their sister ask for. Although far away, they always keep in-touch.
As for Solehah's mum, (walaupun selalu marah-marah) I guess she also missed her two sons badly - same feeling as what Solehah felt. She always asked whether sudah call/skype dengan anak-anak untuk bertanya khabar.
Basically all her anaks are closer to her compared to the ayah. It is normal as she takes care of them more than the ayah. As for the ayah, (based on his own feeling towards his dad - Cikgu Mat Pedu) he knows that at the age of:
5 years old : My dad can do anything.
7 years old : My dad is stronger than your dad.
12 years old : Well, dad does not seem to know that either.
15 years old : Dad is hopelessly old-fashioned.
20 years old : What do you expect? He knows nuts.
25 years old : Excuse him lah! He is getting a bit senile.
30 years old : I better ask dad's opinion.
35 years old : If my dad is still around, I would like to ask him what he would do before I make the decision.
40 years old : I wonder what dad would have thought about that? He was pretty clever.
45 years old : My dad was very knowledgeable & wise.
50 years old : I'd give anything if dad were here so I could talk this over with him. I really miss that man - CIKGU MAT PEDU. al-Fatihah.
Solehah dah mula nak tidur dengan neneknya. Kena guna taktik agar dia terus tidur dengan mama & ayahnya.