Selaras dengan perkembangan semasa, Solehah kini dah mempunyai Facebook sendiri. Pakcik JB (anak keempat Cikgu Mat Pedu) yang balik untuk berhari raya Aidiladha tolong buatkan. Makcik JB pula tolong ajarkan bagaimana nak selenggara/update Facebook.
Since Solehah is under-age, Pakcik JB telah beri date of birth yang tak betul - tipulah tu. Anyway, Solehah is happy. Thanks Pakcik JB & Makcik.
On 'modern age' technology:
A man who was having problem with his computer called his friend for help. After clicking a couple of icons (buttons), the problem was solved. Wanted to know what the problem was, the man asked his friend, "So, what was wrong?"
"It was an 'ID ten T' error," replied his friend.
Didn't want to appear stupid, the man inquired, "What's that ... in case I need to fix it again?"
"Haven't you ever heard of such error before?" asked his friend.
"No," he replied.
"Write it down and you'll figure it out," he said.
So the man wrote it down ...
1. Dengan pertolongan Makcik, Pakcik JB telah belikan Solehah hadiah yang dia kehendaki. Although it might be nothing to a few, but to the family it is really a GREAT GIFT.
2. Hidup Pakcik (3x).