As we have a big family members, Solehah has more than a dozen of cousins. Solehah's father has four brothers - Wa Yon, Pak Ndak Cet, Pak Cik Khir & Pak Su Mer. The mother has a brother - Uncle Din & 6 sisters - Mak Caq (passed away a few years ago), Mak Ngah Zah, Mak Lang Minah, Mak Teh Mas, Mak Cik Sham & Cu Lom.
Most of the cousins are very close to Solehah. One of them is Syafiq (Pak Ndak Cet's eldest son) who is now studying at Universiti Malaysia Sarawak. While managing this blog, I realized that he is one of the follower. He posted a comment specially dedicated to Zakwan - Solehah's second brother.
Below is his comment (original - no editing made):
i've been waiting for ur own personal blog for quite a long time. i think u should create one. tell us ur great moments and experience there!
cousin, syafiq.
1. On behalf of the family, I would thanks all the cousins for being so nice & caring to Solehah. And of course to all the uncles & aunties too.
2. To Syafiq: I think you sholud have one too.
i already got one since last year..
ReplyDeletebut of course, i only write about my thoughts and personal life there..
so, it's kinda secret and i really doesn't want u to read..
hey, nice picture though..
me holding Solehah..
miss her so much!