Thursday, 19 February 2009

Tahfifah: Nikmat Allah

نعمت الله سبحان وتعالى بريكن كڤد مأنسي تيدق ترهيتوڠ. اد يڠ كيت تيدق مڽدري بهاوا سسواتو يڠ دڤراوليهي اداله نعمت. لازيمڽ كيت برشكور. نامون، اد يڠ ملوڤاكن سسواتو كبهاڬين، كميواهن، درجت دان كبسرن يڠ دڤراوليهي ايت داتڠڽ درڤد الله سبحان وتعالىسچارا عامڽ، ترداڤت ليما كاتڬوري نعمت الله سبحان وتعالى

ڤرتام: كبهڬيءن د اخيرة
كدوا: عقل يڠ دسمڤورناكن دڠن علمو، ڤمليهارأن ديري يڠ دسمڤورناكن
كتيڬ: كاوتامأن بادنيه يڠ مليڤوتي كصيحتن بادن دان عمور ڤنجڠ
كامڤت: هرتا، كمولياان دان كلوارڬ يڠ مليا
كليم: هدايه، ڤيمڤينن، ڤمبتولن دان كقواتن دري الله سبحان وتعالى


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Wednesday, 18 February 2009

Personal : Solehah & Catatan Pembedahan

Catatan pembedahan ke-5 Solehah:

  1. Pada 14/05/08, Solehah dirujuk oleh Klinik Kanak-Kanak, Hospital Sultanah Bahiyah (HSB) kepada terapis pertuturan (kini dikendalikan oleh Puan Nadwah bt. Onwi - anak rakan penulis) di Klinik Otorinolaringologi (ENT) kerana tidak boleh boleh menyebut huruf "k" - disebutnya "t").
  2. Kemudiannya dirujuk pula kepada Dr. Siti Sabzah Mohd Hashim (Dr. Siti), ketua & pakar Klinik ENT. Beliau mencadangkan tonsil Solehah dibuang untuk mengelak demam serta mengalami dengkuran tidur yang seterusnya akan mengakibatkan bentuk muka menjadi panjang.
  3. Tarikh pembedahan ditetapkan pada 16/11/08. Pada 13/11/08, Solehah didaftar & dimasukkan ke Wad 6A. Namun pembedahan dibatalkan kerana Solehah tiba-tiba demam.
    Kami diminta mendapatkan tarikh baru pada 20/11/08.
  4. Tarikh baru pembedahan ditetapkan oleh Dr. Mohd. Ali bin Nadhar Khan pada 08/04/09 - mendaftar masuk wad pada 06/04/09. Itu sahaja tarikh yang ada walaupun kami meminta pada masa cuti sekolah agar pembelajaran Solehah tidak terganggu.
  5. Pada tengahari (1.05 tgh) 29/01/09 (ketika berada di sebuah institusi kewangan) penulis dimaklumkan (melalui telefon) oleh Klinik ENT bahawa tarikh pembedahan telah dipercepatkan & perlu mendaftar sebelum jam 3.00 pada petang itu juga.
  6. Kami bergegas Klinik ENT & dimaklumkan bahawa tarikh pembedahan dipercepatkan kerana ada kekosongan. Setelah pemeriksaan awal kami diminta membuat pendaftaran.
  7. Kami mendaftar & di tempatkan di Wad 6A (Katil No. 7). Oleh kerana pakar bius tiada & persiapan kami ala-kadar, kami pohon untuk pulang dengan janji untuk datang kembali pada pukul 7.00 petang. Malam itu kami tidur di HSB.
  8. Keesokan pagi (Jumaat, 30/01/09) kami sekali lagi pohon untuk pulang setelah dimaklumkan bahawa pakar bius hanya akan datang pada hari Sabtu, 31/01/09. Kami dibenarkan pulang oleh Dr. Suhaili & diminta datang semula keesokan harinya jam 7.00 pagi.
  9. Solehah hanya diperiksa oleh pakar bius pada petang Sabtu 31/01/09 & disahkan sihat untuk menjalani pembedahan & ditetapkan giliran kedua. Solehah diminta berpuasa mulai jam 12.00 malam.
  10. Keesokan pagi (Ahad, 01/02/09 - kira-kira jam 9.00 pagi) Solehah di bawa ke bilik pembedahan.
  11. Kira-kira pukul 11.30 pagi, kami dimaklumkan oleh Dr. Siti yang pembedahan itu berjaya tetapi berlaku sedikit komplikasi (pendarahan). Ini disebabkan oleh struktur rahang Solehah yang agak kecil. Untuk kebaikan, Solehah akan ditempatkan di ICU.
  12. Keesokannya (Isnin, 02/02/09), Solehah dipindahkan pula ke PICU (Peadratik ICU).
  13. Solehah dikeluarkan dari PICU & ditempatkan kembali di Wad 6ª (atas permintaan Solehah sendiri) pada hari Rabu, 04/02/09.
  14. Solehah dibenarkan pulang (atas permintaan & janji untuk kembali jika ada sebarang masalah) pada petang keesokan harinya (Khamis, 05/02/09).

*Catatan Penulis:
1. Thanks to Dr. Siti & her ENT team – for caring & the job well done.
2. Thanks to the Staff of: ICU, PICU, Wad 6A & Operation Room – for the good survice, caring & understanding.
3. Family members – for all the support.

Monday, 16 February 2009

Tahfifah: On 'Knowing'

No ordinary human being knows everything in this world. Have the humility to admit that you don't know certain thing. It is absolutely OK if you don't know certain thing now as long as you make the initiative to find it out later. No doubt teachers (lecturers, too) will always pressure you by saying, "It is so basic. You should know it."
It seems that everything is basic to them. Please understand that teachers are paid to do that - to tell you what you do not know. Anyway you should not be demoralized and you should have the wisdom to comprehend that ... "knowing what you do not know is part of knowing". Nobody knows everything".

Sunday, 15 February 2009

Personal: Sifu

Although I didn't expect any followers, my blog recorded it's 30th. follower last Friday (13/02/09). The 30th. follower is Wickedwarol who has been blogging since 2005 with 130 posts - what a number 30th. & 130.
When I started blogging, I only told about it to my very close family members. Only when I started a project with a group of students, I told them to be my blog’s follower. I did so as it will be easier for the monitoring purpose.
While monitoring, I came across Wickedwarol’s blog – “WHACKINESS” at Going through the blog, I later noticed he was my Sifu (still is). I felt very honoured (double): (1) having my Sifu as a follower; and (2) he follows only two blogs – one of it is mine.
I know he was my Sifu through this photo (it is in his blog).
~ Sifu Mr. J ~
1. A ‘good (?)’ student will recognize his Sifu no matter how…
2. There is another follower by the name "Princessmaya"
Thank you Sifu & Princessmaya.

Thursday, 12 February 2009

Anekdot: Keyboard Error

A person turned on the computer without a keyboard plugged in. When she turns on the computer, the computer finds out that there is no keyboard attached and it gives a "Keyboard Error" message.
She then asked:
Why did it give me a keyboard error?
There isn't even a keyboard attached?

Tahfifah: The Seven Wonders of the World

Surfing a blog ( I came across “The seven wonders of the world”. Well done & thanks to the blogger. Any way, a few years back I came across this story.
A group of students were asked to list what they thought were the present "Seven Wonders of the World." Though there were some disagreements, the following received the most votes: (1) Egypt's Great Pyramids ; (2) Taj Mahal ; (3) Grand Canyon ; (4) Panama Canal ; (5) Empire State Building ; (6) St. Peter's Basilica ; and (7) China's Great Wall.
While gathering the votes, the teacher noted that one student had not finished her paper yet. So she asked the girl if she was having trouble with her list. The girl replied, "Yes, a little. I couldn't quite make up my mind because there were so many."
The teacher said, "Well, tell us what you have, and maybe we can help". The girl hesitated, then read, "I think the 'Seven Wonders of the World' are : (1) to see; (2) to hear; (3) to touch; (4) to taste; (5) to feel; (6) to laugh; and (7) to love
The room was so quiet (could have heard a pin drop). The things we overlook as simple and ordinary and that we take for granted are truly wonderous!
1. That’s the most precious things in life - cannot be built by hand or bought by man.
2. Don't be too busy to pass this along.

Wednesday, 11 February 2009

Anekdot: Fixing Broken Computers

A computer technician got a call from a user. The user told the technician that her computer was not working. She described the problem and the technician concluded that the computer needed to be brought in and serviced.
He told her to "Unplug the power cord and bring it up here and I will fix it."
About half an hour later she shows up at his door with the power cord in her hand.
Cerita ini diambil semasa penulis menghadiri satu kursus di Pulau Pinang.

Tuesday, 10 February 2009

Personal: Solehah & the 5th. Operation

On the 1st. February 2009 (Sunday) Aida Solehah (Solehah - the greatest gift) once again had another operation (surgery) at Hospital Sultanah Bahiyah, Alor Star. It was her fifth operation so far. It was done by Dr. Siti Sabzah (Head Department) & her ENT staffs to remove her tonsils.
According to Dr. Siti Sabzah, Solehah's tonsils is rather large & will result (1) having fever frequently; and (2) snoring - make her face becomes longer.
Although the operation was successful, it was a tough one to my family & I. The operation that was supposed to be a minor one, turned the other way round. After the operation, Solehah was sent straight to ICU for three days. Only on the forth day (Wednesday) she was sent to the normal ward & discharged the following day (5th. February 2009).
1. Anyway, again we met a number of government hospital personnel who were very caring & helpful.
2. Walaupun semakin beransur pulih, namun hingga kini Solehah masih demam, tiada selera & belum boleh bersuara seperti biasa.
3. Solehah juga masih belum dapat ke sekolah (sudah hampir 2 minggu). Buku kawan-kawannya kami pinjam agar Solehah tidak ketinggalan.
4. Saya akan cuba tulis kronologi pembedahan tersebut.